Friday, June 25, 2010

The Devil is the Source of all Pain

In the Greek the word for the evil one is "Poneiros"; it comes from the word "ponos" which is "pain". In the Greek the word for the devil is "the one who causes pain".

Literally, " the one who: presses and harasses by labours, annoyances, hardships, and pain." He is literally the source of all pain in all of its forms, psychological, spiritual and physical.

In contrast, Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light and that we must come to Him and learn of Him in order to benefit from God's deliverance (Matthew 11:28-30).

Though life brings hardships by default, God brings relief through seeking Him.


  1. Oh wow, Crystal - this is soooo enlightning! Thanks for bringing this to light - and making it so Crystal Clear!!!
